Adult Sunday School
A study through the Books of the Law, comprising the first five books (pentateuch) of the Old Testament.
Why We Do What We Do
How does God want us to rule over creation? That is what we endeavor to understand by exploring Why We Do What We Do at Redemption. What does it look like to be the redeemed humanity together as a church body? How do we order the church, its practices, its authority, its responsibilities to properly promote flourishing as God designed? How does what we do empower us as individuals and families to spread this Spirit-filled life into the world?
Church Discipline
Corporate Worship
Family + Finance
Our Wisdom vs. God’s Wisdom
Family Vision
Developing a Family Budget 101
Developing a Family Budget 102
Roles Within the Family Finances
Consequences of Not Budgeting Well
The Spiritual Depravity of Israel
Throne Room and Commission
The Birth of Immanuel
Birth and Reign of Christ
How God uses the Nations
Shoot of Jesse and Gathered Remnant
Judgment and Restoration
Sennacherib / Hezekiah / Babylon
The Promise of Comfort and Tending His Flock
Suffering Servant Song 1
Suffering Servant Song 2
Suffering Servant Song 3
New Covenant
New Heavens and Earth
"For this is the will of God, your sanctification..."
(1 Thess 4:3a)
What is God's will for my life? There are many specific answers to that questions that you will find out as you live, but the general answer is: your sanctification.
The focus of adult Sunday School for the remainder of the Spring is sanctification. That is a big, fancy theological word meaning holiness. What does it mean to be holy? God tells us we must be holy as he is holy (1 Peter 1:16), so how do we become holy like him?
In one sense, when we surrender our lives to Jesus, God sees us as holy because he sees us covered in Christ's holiness. This is positional holiness.
In another sense, we are on a path of sanctification. Not only are we holy in Christ, but his Spirit puts more of Christ in us so that we become personally holy ourselves (Galatians 2:20). God uses the circumstances of our lives, the people around us, the church, preaching, books, classes, and many other things to sanctify us, to make us more holy like Jesus.
But this isn't just a work of God all by himself. He commands us to pursue holiness (Hebrews 12:14). We ought to make conscious decisions to pursue more sanctification.
Counseling and the Church
The purpose of Redemption Biblical Counseling and this Sunday School class is to both give you an understanding of the foundations that guide lasting biblical change as well as equip you to be the front lines of counseling in the church. Counseling is intense discipleship, which we are all called to do. Our counseling team strives to help the church make sense of the world and overcome spiritual challenges through intensive counseling and training in spiritual maturity. This course aims to help you be a strong first touch point in each other’s lives: listening well, knowing what to focus on, helping find meaningful change, speaking truth in love, and knowing when to involve the counseling team and pastors.
God, the Gospel, and Culture: Why Theology Matters for Today’s WOrld
Adults and Teens, 10-week study. The first half of the class explores primary theological concepts of the faith to lay a foundation for the second half seeking to show how to view current issues in light of these cosmic truths. We will examine a Christian view of LGBTQ, CRT, Climate Change, Government, and care for the needy, starting with doctrines of Scripture, God's nature, the nature of man, sin, and the gospel.
The Gospel of Luke: Hope for the Poor and Needy
See the compassion and mercy of Christ toward the poor and the needy in the narrative of the work of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel.
Kings of Israel: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
God reveals himself and his work through history in many ways. This study of the Kings of Israel demonstrates how God chooses to establish his word among a particular people to work for the fulfillment of his plan and purposes in the person of Jesus Christ.
Minor Prophets: Background
This series through the Minor Prophets establishes the history and motivating factors for the Prophet’s declaration of the truth of God’s Word as they called the people of God to holiness and hope in YAHWEH.
This series identifies the principles and distinctions that are integral to Redemption City Church. It is designed to present the core beliefs that distinguish what we believe. You will learn what we believe as a church and why we believe it. Our hope is that you will be enriched and equipped to go out and live accordingly.