1835 19th AVE NW
Rochester, MN 55901
(We share our facility with Creative Stars Academy.)
+ 9:00 - 9:20 am — Prayer
Join your heart in prayerful dependence upon the Lord asking him to move by his Spirit through his Word as the church gathers to hear from him and be made like Jesus.
+ 9:30 - 10:15 am — Sunday School
We have opportunities for everyone to grow in their knowledge of Christ and his word. Adults are spending the fall in an overview of the book of Isaiah seeing how it builds anticipation for the arrival of the Messiah, the Suffering Servant, who is bringing a New Creation through a New Covenant. Children through 11 years old are working through the Generations of Grace curriculum. Ages 12-15 are embarking on a journey of exploring the Gospel Made Clear to equip them for the transition to adulthood with eyes on Christ.
+ 10:30 - 11:45 — Worship
Our Sunday gatherings are a unique opportunity for the family of God to gather specially to exalt Christ and delight in him through prayer, song, scripture reading, proclamation, weekly communion (when gathering restrictions allow), and fellowship.
Frequently Asked Questions
+ Tell me a little more about visting Redemption?
We don't claim to be the church that you have been missing, the church that has better music, better coffee, better greeters, or better teachers. In fact we are happy to boast in our weaknesses so that Christ's power may be more evident among us. Your weaknesses are welcome among us so that together we can boast in Christ's sufficiency.
Join us as we gaze upon our Savior together in order that we become more like him.
+ What should I wear?
You'll find some of us in jeans and others of us in dress pants - come as you are.
+ Do you have a nursury?
Yes! Your children are welcome to sit with you during Sunday worship, but they can also be checked into the nursury (located on the left-hand side after you walk in the main entrance).
Welcome to the new home of Redemption City Church!
On Monday, July 19th, 2021, the members of Redemption City Church purchased a long-term home in the heart of the city of Rochester to be our base of ministry operations for (Lord willing) generatons to come. We are excited to worship King Jesus in this neighborhood and to welcome you to become part of the family.
Find out more about the effort to purchase the property at our Rooted page and see how you can be part of this work to redeem a witness for Christ in our neighborhood.