Main Point: Believe in God for Your Righteousness
Text: Romans 4:1–8
A. The righteousness of Abraham through faith
B. Do not work but believe
C. The blessings that come through faith
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Main Point: Believe in God for Your Righteousness
Text: Romans 4:1–8
A. The righteousness of Abraham through faith
B. Do not work but believe
C. The blessings that come through faith
Read MoreMain Point: Genuine Faith Destroys Spiritual Pride
Text: Romans 3:27–31
A. Problem: spiritual pride (v. 27)
B. Cure: Justification by faith (v. 28)
C. Cure: The nature of God (vv. 29–31)
Read MoreMain Point: God Is Righteous to Make the Unrighteous Righteous by Faith in Christ
Text: Romans 3:21–26
A. Righteousness apart from the law (v. 21)
B. Righteousness in Christ (v. 22–25a)
C. Righteousness in you (vv. 25b, 26)
Read MoreMain Point: Stop Your Excuses and Submit to God’s Grace
Text: Romans 3:19, 20
A. The purpose of the law (v. 19)
B. The limits of the law (v. 20)
Read MoreMain Point: Our Guilt Is a Universal Indictment with a Particular Acquittal
Text: Romans 3:9–18
A. The question asked (v 9a)
B. The question answered (v 9b)
C. The answer proved (vv 10–18)
3a. Setting the stage (vv10–12)
3b. Evidence via words (vv 13, 14)
3c. Evidence via actions (vv 15–17)
3d. The answer's bow (v 18)
Read MoreMain Point: God Is Just in Punishing Our Sins
Text: Romans 3:5–8
A. God’s righteousness and my sin
B. God’s judging the world
C. God’s glory in condemning sin
Read MoreMain Point: God is faithful to the unfaithful.
Text: Romans 3:1–4
A. Entrusted with the oracles of God
B. Faithfulness of God
Read MoreMain Point: Demonstrate your faith in the profit of God's praise.
Text: Romans 2:25–29
A. Counterfeit confidence (vv. 25–27)
B. Authentic Assurance (vv. 28, 29)
Read MoreMain Idea: Jesus camas king to subdue the earth under his boundless blessing.
Text: 1 Corinthians 15:25–28
A. The King's War (vv. 25–27a)
B. The King's Peace (vv. 27b–28)
Read MoreMain Idea: Christ is Your Hope
Text: Romans 8:18–26
I. The curse of sin (vv. 18–23)
II. The reach of redemption (vv. 20–23)
III. Hope and help in waiting (vv. 24–26)
Read MoreMain Idea: Christ is Your High Priest
Text: Hebrew 9:11–14
a) The need for the priesthood.
b) Christ as the High Priest.
c) Christ as the sacrifice.
d) Purified through sacrifice.
Read MoreMain Idea: Christ Has Come as the True Prophet
Text: Hebrew 1:1–2
a) Speaking through the prophets.
b) Speaking through to Prophet.
b) Listen to Him!
Hebrews 1:1–2
[1] Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, [2] but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. (ESV)
Read MoreMain Point: Worship God or Be Handed over to Your Sin
Text: Romans 1:28–32
1) Acknowledge God (v. 28)
2) Those who don't are filled with sin (vv. 29, 30)
3) Dragging others to hell with them (v. 32)
Read MoreMain Point: Your Moral Boasting Dishonors God and Destroys Your Witness
1. The Mission of the Law (vv. 17–20)
2. The Message of the Law (vv. 21–24)
Read MoreMain Point: It's What's on the Inside that God Judges
1. Law Written on Stone (vv. 12–13)
2. Law Written on Hearts (vv. 14–16)
Read MoreMain Point: You Will Be Judged According to Your Works
1. Seek glory, honor and immortality.
2. Forsake unrighteousness.
3. The fruit of our actions: tribulation or glory.
Read MoreMain Point: Don’t Hypocritically Judge Others While Failing Under the Same Wrath of God
Judging and practicing of men (v. 1)
Rightful judgement of God (vv. 3)
Patience unto repentance (v. 4)
Storing up wrath (v. 5)
Main Point: Sexual Perversion Is the Inevitable Outworking of Idolatry
Text: Romans 1:26, 27
1) Idolatrous inversion of sexuality
2) Godly order of sexuality
Romans 1:26–27
[26] For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; [27] and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. (ESV)
Read MoreMain Point: Sin is Believing a Lie that Turns Us into Animals
Text: Romans 1:24–25
1) The Sentence of Self-Destruction
2) The Folly of False-Worship
Read MoreMain Point: Gad Has Revealed Himself Through Nature, and the Natural Man Has Rejected Him
Text: Romans 1:18–23
1) Wrath of God revealed against those who suppress truth.
2) We are without excuse.
3) Honor and give thanks to God.
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