Main Idea: Drink From the Well of Christ and Be Satisfied
Text: John 4:1–26
1) Water of the earth.
2) Water from Christ.
3) Water into worship.
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Main Idea: Drink From the Well of Christ and Be Satisfied
Text: John 4:1–26
1) Water of the earth.
2) Water from Christ.
3) Water into worship.
Main Idea: Bear witness to Christ’s authority through joyful servanthood.
1) John’s joyful service (vv. 22–30)
2) Christ’s heavenly authority (vv. 31–36)
Read MoreJohn 3:16–2
Main Idea: Believe in Christ, Who Came to Save You
1) The boundless love of God
2) Sent to save
3) Come to the light
Main Idea: Christ is now the dwelling place of God.
1) Destruction and cleansing of evil.
2) Restoration and life.
Read MoreJohn 2:1–12
Main Idea: Behold the new wine of Christ and believe.
1) The old wine is gone
2) The new wine abounds
3) Glory and belief
Read MoreJohn 1:35-51
Main Idea: With Childlike Faith, Follow Jesus Into New Creation Maturity.
1) Children who Remain (vv. 35-42)
2) Children Who Mature (vv.43-51)
John 1:19–34
Main Idea: Behold the Lamb of God
1) Out with the Old (vv. 19–28)
2) In with the New (vv. 29–34)
John 1:1–18
Main Idea: Christ, the eternal Word, has come in the flesh that you may have life.
1) The Word was with and is God.
2) The Word came into the world.
3) The Word became flesh.
Main Theme: Yahweh is your shepherd.
1) A Thriving Sheep (vv. 1–3)
2) An Honored Guest (vv. 4, 5)
Main Theme: Showcase Yahweh's Salvation in Joyful Worship
1. Sing Praise to Your Maker (vv. 1–3)
2. Give Thanks to Your Savior (vv. 4–5)
Main Theme: Let Invincible Joy Put Your Soul at Peace
1. The Threats to Peace
2. The Key to Peace
Main Theme: Seek the face of YHWH with clean hands and a pure heart.
1) YHWH claims kingship over all the earth. (vv. 1–2)
2) Only a cleansed and purified person can stand before the king. (vv. 3–6)
3) YHWH provides salvation and assures victory. (vv. 7–9)
Main Idea: Yield to the Divine King to Slay Your Dragons
1) Victims of the Dragon
2) Victors over the Dragon
A Heart for the Word | Nick Smith
1) What does it mean to fear the LORD? (v.1a)
2) How do I delight in the Word? (v. 1b)
3) What is the fruit of this fearful delight? (vv. 2–9)
In times of difficulty, find solace in worship.
Read MoreFight Fear With Faith
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