Men's Summit 2023: Arise & Build
God created Adam and placed him in the garden. Adam was instructed to “cultivate it and keep it.” This instruction established the mode of Adam’s dominion rule. First, he is charged to build and construct upon God’s good creation. This means he was to exercise his powers of wit and handihood to develop various ways to enrich and beautify creation through diligent stewardship as an expression of imitation and recreation of God's creative act.
Second, in keeping the garden, Adam was to protect, defend, and extend it. Not only was his task one of maintaining what existed through safeguarding and buttressing the garden, but he was to arise, and extend the borders of Eden so that the outlying wilderness was subdued and brought under the righteous rule of God.
Adam’s task was hampered and frustrated by the fall. The effects of sin brought great struggle to the task of man. Instead of the creation willingly being subdued, now it fights man’s efforts and resists through the effects of sin in the world. But thanks be to God that Christ has dwelt among us and has resurrected as the firstborn from the dead. He has ushered in a new creation, and a new humanity as the last Adam. He calls redeemed men to work again. This time not in vain, but with the promise that faith is the victory that overcomes the world.
At this year's Men’s Summit, we will endeavor to equip ourselves to Arise & Build. We will outline and define the Missio Dei (Mission of God). We will consider the foundations of beauty, order, and righteousness that are necessary for the building of a new Christendom. We will examine the mindset of the master builders who set about building the wonders of the Medieval Cathedrals, many of which were only completed after many generations. We will identify the character and caliber of masculinity that God calls us to in order that we might leave a generational legacy to those who follow and build after us.
Sep. 8–9, 2023
1:00 pm – Arrival
4:00 pm – Prayer
5:30 pm – Dinner
6:30 pm – Session #1
7:30 pm – Session #2
8:30 pm – Fireside Colloquy
8:00 am – Breakfast
9:00 am – Session #3
10:00 am – Epilogues
10:30 am – Clean Up
11:00 am – Leave
Remember to bring:
Sleeping bags or other bedding
Board Games
If you have any questions, please contact: Kevin Amundson 952.457.4227